Maltese Dog Lover News & Tips

Maltese Maniac Monthly - #003

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years. My Maltese dogs Marley and Disco spent the night nervously watching out the window while we shot off fireworks with our neighbors. This month they also saw their first snow and had a ball playing in it!

What's New

Question of the Month

Maltese Dog
Are Maltese dogs hypoallergenic? - Gary

"Yes most Maltese are hypoallergenic. I have very bad allergies and am allergic to most dogs and cats. That is why I specifically chose the Maltese. They do not shed, so have very little dander and do not cause allergic reactions in 90% of people. Since they don't shed, their hair grows continuously and you need to get them regular grooming haircuts. I would recommend considering a Maltese do to anyone who has allergies." - Katie

New Maltese Contest

If you haven't heard yet, we have started a "Maltese of the Month" contest. The winner is selected on the first day of each month and displayed on our Maltese dog breed home page for that entire month. So get out your best Maltese pics and show them off to the world! Hurry up and enter here to be chosen for the month of February.

Cool Maltese Products

Didn't recieve that cool Maltese dog calendar you were hoping to get for Christmas? Get 20% off a purchase of $20 or more using this code: AF20CAL

Want to save even more money when buying dog products? Sign up with eBates to earn cash back at lots of stores and get $10 credited to your account instantly. Just sign up here!

I signed up a year ago and have already gotten $77.10 cash back! - Katie

Fun Dog Site - A free online community for dog owners and enthusiasts. We are dedicated to giving dog lovers a one-stop source for helpful resources, information and FUN, as well as a forum to share ideas, thoughts and issues regarding their canine companions.

Keep on lovin' your precious furbabies,

- Katie, Marley & Disco <(-'.'-)>

P.S. - If you like what you read and would like to get exciting Maltese dog news and tips in your email, please subscribe to this newsletter.




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