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Cocker Maltese Mix - Silky Cocker

AKA: Maltese Cocker Spaniel Mix

Cocker Maltese mix Silky Cocker

The Cocker Maltese mix, also called a Silky Cocker, is a cross between a
Cocker Spaniel and a Maltese.

These hybrid dogs are recognized by the American Canine Hybrid Club and can be registered on their website.

They are a sweet and sensitive Maltese mix that is growing in popularity because of their gentle and trusting nature.

Read more about the Silky Cocker below to see if this is the right Maltese mix for you.

Do you have a Cocker Maltese mix? Tell us more about his/her personality & your dog could be famous!


These dogs take on the temperament of both Cocker Spaniels and Maltese. They are cheerful and devoted little dogs.

Most Maltese Cocker mixes are of average intelligent and are very easy to train. You may find them difficult to housebreak, as with any smaller dog. They respond best to gentle training, and are very respectful and loyal to their owners. These dogs also do not like to be left alone.

When socialized well, these Silky Cockers do wonderful with children and other dogs. Most people find them to have a lively and playful personality.

Cool Maltese Cocker Mix Gifts

If you already have a Maltese Cocker mix or know someone that does, check out these unique gifts for dog lovers below.

See more personalized gifts from Zazzle.


Cockers come in many colors such as black, tan, white, and brown. When you mix this with a white Maltese, you get varying shades and patches of color.

Cocker Maltese mixes hair is usually long and silky. These dogs should be professionally groomed every 3-4 months and brushed daily to keep hair trimmed and clean.

They may also be nonshedding dogs like a Maltese or be an average shedder like a Cocker Spaniel. There is no guarantee of which. Full grown Cocker Maltese mixes can weigh anywhere from 12-25lbs.

Learn More

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Do you have a Silky Cocker?

If so, your Maltese mix could be famous! Please tell us all about your dog and we'll put it on our website. What kind of personality does s(he) have? What makes him/her so special? Let other Maltese Maniacs know what to expect from a Silky Cocker. Submissions must include at least 200 words of text and a picture to be accepted. Thanks!

What Other Silky Cocker Owners Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other Silky Cocker dog owners...

Silky Cocker Mix - Lulu 
I've had my silky cocker for 13 years and she has been the most loving and loyal animal I have ever encountered. She is the epitome of the family dog, …

Rowdy is well, very rowdy. He has so much personality! Very smart and loyal to us. He is very jealous of other animals and people especially kids. …

Maltese Cocker Mix 
We got Jewelz when she was 8 weeks old, she is now 9 months old. She is so loving and affectionate, loves to be snuggled and loved on. She is a Maltese …

Silky Maltese Mix 
Toby is from a Dad Maltese and Black Cocker Spaniel Mom. Now 7 months old (almost 25lbs) and most of the time, mistaken as a golden retrieve pup. He sheds …

Cocker Maltese Mix 
Riley is a 6 month old Cocker Spaniel Maltese mix and is a very playful puppy. We are still working on potty training but I do believe that we are almost …

Domino Not rated yet
He’s a very affectionate loving family dog. But is not very good with other dogs or non family members. Barks everytime he sees another pet. He gets anxious …

Sierra Not rated yet
Sierra is 9 weeks old. So far she's got me trained pretty well. We wake up every 3-4 hours to potty (already using pads), and even though she's usually …

Silky Cocker Puppy Not rated yet
He was found next to a bin. My Silky Cocker puppy was about 3 weeks old. Now he is 4 months old. He has a friendly love personality, very active and obedient. …

Silky Cocker Not rated yet
My Silky Cocker Kenshin was given to me as a retirement/going-away present by one of the civilian employees at the USAF recreational resort in northern …

Maltese Silky Dog Not rated yet
My Maltese Silky dog Daphne is probably the best dog that I have ever owned! She is so smart and does many tricks. She really loves people too. She …

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Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend. - Corey Ford

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