Maltese Dog Travel Tips
Make traveling with your dog fun and easy
Spring Break trip is coming up soon and of course we're bringing our
Maltese mix Disco with us! We're driving to Florida so I decided to do
some research to find out how we can make the trip more comfortable for
our favorite furry family member. Here's some of the best Maltese dog
travel tips I've found.
Tips for Traveling with a Dog

- Ride in style - a pet booster seat is a great way to make your Maltese more comfortable for those long drives. Your little one gets to see out the window and is much safer than being in your arms. For all you extra cautious pet parents, you can even get a dog car safety harness for double protection.
- Keep calm - riding in a car can be very stressful for some dogs. Try an all natural herbal supplement like Pet Calm for anxious little Maltese.
- Take breaks - getting out for a short walk and potty break every 2-3hrs is a welcome addition to any great car trip. Exercise and fresh air are good for everyone.
- Car cleanup - my dog makes a mess in the car on short trips, let alone anything longer than an hour, so it makes sense to bring essential clean up supplies like plastic bags, a waste scoop, stain and odor remover, and even a pet hair remover.
- Keep cool - bring your own H20. Sometimes Maltese dogs can get an upset stomach drinking water they're not used to.
- Have fun - don't let your dog get bored! Bring her favorite toys and treats to chew on to pass the time.
- Feel fine - don't be caught on the road with a dog with tummy troubles. There are supplements out there that treat motion sickness like PetAlive EasyTravel.
- Have proof - did you know that proof of a rabies vaccination is required when crossing some state or country borders? It's also wise to make sure your Maltese has an ID collar with your home address and cell number in case she decides to take an unplanned side trip.
Dog Drivers License
My husband and I share the driving responsibilities, but it would be nice if we could switch out with someone else. Well we're in luck, because just I found out that Subaru has an app for that! Here is Disco's official GA drivers license. I hope the state of Florida recognizes it's "validity" as well. Does your dog need his/her own license to drive? Get your Maltese a dog driver's license for free here.
I also found out that my crazy, high energy, loud and fun Maltese Poodle mix Disco is best suited for a Subaru Legacy via the "Subaru Dog Matchmaker." However he didn't take that advice and prefers the Subaru Forester as you can tell from the pic below.
also some more fun parts of the app too like "Put Your Dog in A Subaru"
and "Ask an Expert." Great for all us crazy dog lovers!
Win With Subaru
Watch this cute video below and then make sure to sign up to win!
If you're in need of some extra travel spending cash (and who isn't?!?!?) make sure to enter Subaru's contest below. You can win up to $350 in Visa gift cards!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This post is sponsored by Subaru. I am being compensated for helping
spread the word about the Dog Tested. Dog Approved.™ campaign, but I’d
only share news for things I support.
More Dog Travel Tips
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Please help your fellow Maltese Maniacs out by telling us about them in the comments below.
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