Paper Train Puppy - Fluffy

by Isha
(Chuncheon, S Korea)

hmm... do you know what? i'll just sit here for the rest of my life...

hmm... do you know what? i'll just sit here for the rest of my life...

This is how I would paper train my puppy. Put them on a paper pad. Do this every day until it gets in them - a short while after feeding show your puppy where her/his toilet is. Your dog may sit on it and does nothing but it'll gives her/him the IDEA!

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Mar 08, 2011
Soooo Cute!
by: Nicole

Ok now Fluffy is sooooo cute I wouldn't mind if that dog peed on my floor, but it looks like you're training your Maltese puppy right!

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Housebreaking a Puppy - Stewie

by Alana

This is how we went about housebreaking a puppy. We took our Maltese Stewie out as often as possible and kept him confind most of the time. It seemed like this had worked but once we let him out to roam, thinking he was housebroken, he would have accidents. We realized he didn't know how to ask to go outside if he had to go in between when we let him outside. We tied a small bell to our doorknob and hung it low so that he could just swat it with his paw or nudge it and it would make a sound. He caught onto this much faster and was then able to roam without making a mess. If he had to go to the bathroom, he would ring the bell and we would praise him, let him out to do his business, and then praise him again. We did this with our Sheltie cross puppies too when they had trouble with housebreaking. It worked like a charm with them as well.

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Maltese House Training Tip

by Tana
(Calgary, AB.)

I got around the house training problem by using his leash. I attached it to my belt loop and had him near me at all times, it was a simple thing to just walk out into the back yard to his special spot and wait till he went. I took him out every hour for the first few days then every two hours for a few weeks, so far so good! He is catching on quickly now, when we go out he heads straight for his spot. Smart Boy!

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House Training a Maltese Puppy - Frosty

by Celine
(New Jersey)

This is what I did for house training my Maltese puppy:

We can't bring our Maltese puppy outside because he is only 10 weeks. We have tought our boy Maltese puppy to pee on his absorbant bathroom sheet for puppies. We have put those sheets all over the floor in his playpen so he always pees there. Every 3 days we take one out until there is only 1 left. Everytime he needs to use the bathroom. He runs there!

Absorbant bathroom sheets for puppies available at Petco or other pet stores

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