Maltese Rat Terrier Mix - Doc

by Bev
(St. Louis, MO)

I have a one year old Maltese Rat Terrier Mix and was curious if he looks like others. His name is Doc and he is 50% maltese and 50% rat terrier. I got him from a breeder. He looks very similar to Wally. Kind of like a "wire haired" terrier. He is colored exactly like a Rat Terrier - Mostly white with one big black spot on his back, and black ears face and neck with white eyebrows. His hair is very dry. I'd love to get hints on how to soften it. My Maltese Rat Terrier mix gets a bath once a week and gets conditioner. If he goes longer than a week, his hair gets dryer and easily tangled. He weighs 15 pounds.

We started Agility training this past spring and he loves it and is very good at it. We will be competition ready by next summer.

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Dec 05, 2014
Love my rat terrier
by: kikki

I have a 1 yrs old maltese/ rat terrier his name is Blue but all white. Enjoy him 💙💙

Apr 19, 2013
No Shedding
by: Bev

The one in this picture is mine and he does not shed AT ALL!

Apr 15, 2013
maltese rat terrier mix
by: Anonymous

These dogs are so cute!! Just wondering if they shed as much as the rat terrier once crossed with the Maltese.

Sep 29, 2012
by: Brandi

I have a new member to my family. I have been trying to figure out what breed he is. He was at the SPCA and he looks just like a terrier but his tail makes it rather confusing.He is also black and white but doesn't shed.

Jul 16, 2011
Dry Skin & Fur
by: Anonymous

I believe my dog is a maltese/rat terrier mix and her hair will get very dry after a bath. So, I spray a moisterizer on her coat after her bath that I purchased from Foster & Smith. It is called "Moisturizing Spray" for dry skin or allergens and it really works. If I don't spray her with this her coat feels wirery and dry and she will scratch. Also, I put a 1/2 tsp of sunflower oil, once a day, on her food and it has to be the organic kind, pure. What a difference in her coat. It is so silky and shiny now.

Nov 16, 2010
Dry hair
by: Anonymous

Try a premium brand of dog food for dogs with sensive skin and/or look for one that is high in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Someone at a Petsmart or Petco could probably recommend one. Our papitese is on a fish and potato based Science Diet prescription food for a skin rash and her coat is soft and silky. But SD does make an over the counter sensitive skin dog food, also, as do many other brands. Good luck!

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Wally - Rat Terrier Maltese Mix

by Kim Yap
(Huntington Beach, CA, USA)

Wally is our 5 month old (Ratese) Rat Terrier and Maltese mix and weighs 10 lbs. He is intelligent, sweet and loves to cuddle.

He is also great with other dogs and children. We have an 18 month old Catahoula and Yellow Lab mix and he keeps right up with her.

He is very high energy and playful. Just look at that face, who could resist?

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Feb 01, 2016
Wally Update
by: Kim

Oh thank you for the sweet comments about Wally. He just celebrated his 8th birthday! He is still as sweet as ever, but now enjoys long naps and loves to eat... LOL.

Feb 01, 2016
I love Wally!
by: Granny Ev

I just Love Wally! I think he is just the cutest little rascal I ever saw! I set his picture, with the cocked head look, as my background. Every morning and evening when I log on at home, there is Wally!! I tell him how much I love him, and he looks back at me so rascally! These last two years, for the first time in my 70-year life, I don't have a doggy. But now I have Wally!! Thanks, Kim!

Oct 17, 2013
sweet little girl
by: Anonymous

I have a maltese rat terrier mix. She is white with a black & white head. Her fur is about 2 inches long & just like silk. Only part of her fur that grows is her head. I keep that trimmed. She weighs 10 lbs.& has the sweetest temperament.

Mar 11, 2011
To Carol
by: Kim

Thanks for the post! Wally is now 3 and not so much of a digger but loves to play fetch. His favorite game is when we roll an ice cube across the floor and he gets to chase it :)

Mar 11, 2011
by: Carol Leite

Wally is adorable! My Scamp looks like him lol. Hes a digger like yours. I wonder if that is a breed trait.......?......

Oct 12, 2010
Share Your Pic
by: Katie

Hey Bev, just click on the link at the bottom of this comments page to share your story and upload your picture of your Maltese mix:

Oct 12, 2010
Doc - 1 year old Maltese Rat Terrier Mix
by: Bev

Hi - I have a one year old Maltese Rat Terrier Mix and was curious if he looks like others. His name is Doc and he is 50% maltese and 50% rat terrier. I got him from a breeder. He looks very similar to Wally. Kind of like a "wire haired" terrier. He is colored exactly like a Rat Terrier - Mostly white with one big black spot on his back, and black ears face and neck with white eyebrows. He weighs 15 pounds.

Wish I could figure out how to post a picture of him on this site!

Aug 30, 2010
A Wally Update
by: Anonymous

Hi Everyone,

Wally is now 2 1/2 years old. He is still the sweetest little guy but now weighs 20 lbs!

Aug 30, 2010
A Wally Update
by: Anonymous

Hi Everyone,

Wally is now 2 1/2 years old. He is still the sweetest little guy but now weighs 20 lbs!

Dec 26, 2009
by: Anonymous

I have a malrat that goes by the name of Big name for a little man..he's the most gentle,loving pup I know. He's never growled at anyone or another animal. He's too friendly and trusting...I have to watch him when we go outside I'm afraid someone will take him. He's brought so much joy into my life.

Jun 23, 2009
by: Anonymous

I just came across your page and wanted to comment. I have my own maltese/ rat terrier mix and I wanted to see if he looked like others. I have always called him a malrat... His name is Tommy and he is about 5 years old now.

Jul 11, 2008
Cutest Looks
by: Katie

Walley is one of the cutest Maltese mixes I've seen! It looks like he's been working on his "I'm sorry!" and "What did you say?" looks.

Jul 09, 2008
by: Anonymous

Aawww, so cute!!

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Rat Terrier Mixes - Rose and Bear

My puppies are Maltese Rat Terrier mixes. They're very curious and shy around new people. They love it outside and can stand being in there kennel. My Maltese Rat Terrier mixes are very playful pups and enjoy life. They're also becoming very smart!!!

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Rat Terrier Mix - Cookie

Cookie is an approximately 2 year old Maltese Rat Terrier mix and I got her from the local animal shelter about 8 months ago. She is very special, in that she has such a great, outgoing, personality, loves people and all animals, big or small. She loves to play and loves to sleep the afternoons away in a comfy spot. She loves her chewies and especially loves to eat, which I have to be careful of. I do not want her to get fat. Cookie is a very food motivated dog and will do anything for a treat. When it comes time for her to eat, which is usually late in the afternoon she will sit up on her hind paws and beg. This is her way of telling me that she is hungry. She fits in very well in my household, being totally housebroken, which she was from day one. Also, I am amazed at how much she understands when I talk to her. My Maltese Rat Terrier mix associates very quickly to objects, people's names and other animals when you mention them. I expect over time that she will come to understand much, much more. I find her to be quite intelligent and quick to learn. I had to let my Cocker Spaniel go last September. She was with my husband & I for almost 19 years. It was difficult to do. Even though I am still grieving for my Cocker Spaniel, Cookie is a big help in getting me through this process, as I will never forget my Cocker. As I really enjoy having Cookie in my household, she is very different than my Daisy, and I know some day that I will love my Rat Terrier Maltese mix as much as I did my Daisy. It will just take time.

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Rat Terrier Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Gloria

by elizabeth oleary
(natick, ma)

me n' my pup

me n' my pup

My Rat Terrier Shih Tzu Maltese mix Gloria is great! She has grown much bigger than I expected she would (19lbs!) I think she is wonderful, but most people find her bark extremely annoying. When I walk her off-leash (in a wooded area) she will run ahead to scout things out, but she checks in fairly often. She enjoys doing "tricks-for-treats" and so far her teeth haven't accumulated much tartar. She sometimes gets overexcited especially around kids and will jump up. She sleeps in bed with me and keeps me warm (we often sleep back-to-back). She likes to go to bed early and wake up early. She hates going out to urinate/defecate in the rain, so I have to carry her outside and wait until she goes or she might go in the house. I went away for a summer and left her with my parents, and she was pretty confused so I had to make a special effort until she realized I was pretty much back for good. I love her so much. Oh, my Maltese mix likes giving and receiving kisses but she is polite and doesn't franticly lick and she isn't a slobber mouth. Oh, and she reverse-sneezes and loves snow.

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Maltese Rat Terrier Mix - Bella

When I bought my Maltese Rat Terrier mix Bella she was 10 weeks old and weighed 2 lbs. I found her on Craigslist advertised as a toy Poodle (not from a breeder). As she got a little older I realized she was not a full toy Poodle and people kept asking me what she was so I had the wisdom panel done by her vet to see what she actually was. To my surprise she was not poodle at all. One of her parents was full Maltese so that would make her 50% Maltese and the other parent was a mix of 5 different breeds -
37.15% Rat Terrior,
4.04% Shiba Inu,
3.05% Yorkshire terrior,
1.23% Cocker Spaniel and
0.66% Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

I felt a little taken advantage of because I paid almost 400$ for her as a toy Poodle, but I could not have asked for a cuter, funnier puppy. She is very smart, active and happy. She loves to jump and dig. I don't know a lot about these kinds of dogs so if anyone has any insight or advice for me it would be greatly appreciated.

My Maltese Rat Terrier mix is now almost 23 weeks old and weighs 8.8 lbs. I was a little surprised that she was as big as she is and I am wondering how much bigger she will get. She has small paws and small features so I don't think she will get a much bigger.

Do these kind of dogs shed? What are they know for traits wise? We have never had a dog. I bought Bella for my son for a Christmas gift but I fell in Love with her so she both of ours.

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Jan 20, 2017
My dog walle who was also advertised as a poodle on Craigslist NEW
by: Anonymous

I got my dog walle in 2015 off Craigslist advertised as a poodle. He was about 10 weeks old also. He now weighs 10lbs. I see no poodle in him what so ever. He looks like a rat terrier an something mixed. U think he looks like your puppy but hes chocolate and white.

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