Bottled Water Reduces Tear Staining - Rudy
by Marie
I give him purified water from a bottle to reduce tear staining. It is less expensive and there are no harmful chemicals. It took about a week to see the difference, but now he is stain free.
No Dog Tear Stains With Bottled Water
by Kristina Haws
(Fruita, CO, USA)
If you only give your Maltese bottled water, you will see your dog tear stains disappear! It works so well that if I give him tap water for even one night, the eye problem gets horrible right away. If I change right away to bottled water it clears dog tear stains up immediately!
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Filtered Water for Eye Stains
by Mike T
I only give Tiger (3 year old Maltese) filtered water for eye stains. I just use a PUR that is hooked up to my sink. I think hard water has a lot to do with tear staining. That's a "me" study, nothing proven. He still gets a little staining but that's very light and mainly just "tears" that I wipe off. He looks great. I honestly think it has a lot to do with the water you give them.
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Castor & Pollux Organix Food and Spring (bottled) water
by Loretta Moore
(Wimberley, TX US)
After 1
After 2
Our dog Yahtzee has had TERRIBLE tear stains ever since he was a puppy. He is now almost a year old and has absolutely no tear stains at all!! Finding a food with no wheat, corn, or soy is paramount to getting rid of tear stains. We found that Castor & Pollux Organix
line is perfect. The moment we started him on his new food, his tear stains had diminished and were completely gone in 1 month. In addition to his new food that he LOVES, we only give him spring or bottled spring (not bottled purified, distilled, or drinking) water, and gluten free treats. The brand Canyon Creek Ranch
, which typically have five ingredients or less, have been a hit with our dog. He loves the chicken & apple and the chicken poppers (chicken and rice)! We get all of our stuff from PetSmart. If your dog doesn't like the Organix food, Castor & Pollux
told us that we could return it for a full refund. How great is that? You have nothing to lose but your Maltese's tear stains!
For those Maltese owners that are out there and contemplating giving your dog Angel Eyes that contains Tylosine (an antibiotic)......DON'T!! No animal or human needs to be on antibiotics continuously. Not to mention, the amount of tylosine that you sprinkle in their food or water is unknown.
All it takes is a switch to good food and clean water. Read the labels... they're there for a reason! If there is a colorant in the food, don't buy it... it WILL cause tear stains!
Bottled Water for Tear Stains
by Rosemarie
(Freehold, NJ)
I give my Teddy Bear Poland Springs bottled water and since I started that he does not have tear stains any more.
My groomer was amazed and said that one of his other clients said she had a problem too until she started to give her Maltese and Bichon Frise bottled water.
Distilled Water for Tear Stains
I have a six year old female named Fancy. I asked several vets what could be done about her eye staining to no avail. I was reading a magazine on Maltese and found an article that suggested distilled water. Now don't expect this to miraculously work overnight it takes at least a couple of months.
It seems that this article said it was the excess minerals coming out of the dogs' system, something along the same lines of us humans pooping out vitamins we don't need. A gallon of distilled water is only about a dollar and it takes my baby a long time to drink a gallon of water, even with giving her fresh water daily.
Filtered Drinking Water
by Bev
I had read that filtered water helps with tear stain. I have filtered water through my refrigerator, so easy enough to try. I have noticed a significant improvement since only using filtered water.
Reduce Tear Staining with Bottled Water and Natural Dog Food
by Cynthia Toohill
(Bellerose, NY)
My 3yo had dog tear staining and I tried so many different products. Nothing worked. After doing extensive reading on the subject. I decided to put her on bottled water ONLY and I feed her Innova dog food. It is all natural with no artificial colors. I only give her natural treats with no added dyes to make the food look "appealing".
She has been completely tear stain free since. Trust me it works. I am convinced it is the high mineral content in tap water and all the artificial colors that are added to low grade and commercial dog food that contribute to the tear staining. Good luck!
Filtered Water for Tear Stains
by Mark
We are the proud owners of 4 Maltese and all four had tear stain. We used Angel Eyes and it solved the problem. A friend and fellow Maltese owner suggested we use filtered water and that worked as well and is a cheaper alternative. I suggest if this is an issue that you attempt filtered water and see if that eliminates the problem, if not Angel Eyes is an excellent product and alternative.
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Distilled Water for Tear Stains
I was told that tear stains are from the iron in the tap water given to your dog to drink and distilled water does not do that. True? Not sure but I am going to give distilled water a try it!
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No More Tear Stain With Filtered Water
by Jane
(United Kingdom)
My nephew has a West Highland White terrier, which, because it is pure white, suffers often, like Maltese dogs, with tear stain. Imagine how surprised I was to see its near perfect white eyes recently. How? They just started to give him only filtered water (from a filter jug). Now - no tear stains at all!!
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Distilled Water to Remove Tear Stains
I have a Bichon but I think this will work with your Maltese. I read in an article that giving your dog distilled water will control the eye stains and I tried it.
It really works. I ran out one day and gave him sink water for about four days and the stains returned. he's now back on the distilled water and its clearing up.
Angel Eyes and Distilled Water
by Pat
(Baton Rouge, LA)
I've used Angel Eyes for about 3 weeks. During this time I trim away the stained hair a little at a time. I also changed my babies' water. They ONLY drink distilled water. Not just bottled water but distilled water. In a month's time their tear stains are all gone. As long as they only drink distilled water, the stains won't come back. It has been two years so far and no stains yet!
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