Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Penny

by Carrie
(Green Bay WI)

My Penny

My Penny

Penny is a Shih Tzu Maltese mix and my perfect puppy. She is 13 months old and very little, she only weighs about 4 pounds! She loves to play tug of war and she does what we call "puppy races." She runs around in circles in the living room until she tires herself out.

She is great with little kids. My 8, 3, and 1 1/2 year old niece and nephews love to play with her and she plays really well with them. Penny is very affectionate too. She loves to lay down on my lap and gives lots of puppy kisses. At night, she cuddles up with me on my bed and sleeps with me until morning. My Maltese Shitzu puppy sees me as her mommy. If there is a loud noise or something that scares her she will run to me instead of anyone else, she will always choose my lap over any others.

Our Mastiff (Beasley) loves her. He just follows her around the house. She teases him though. It's so funny to watch them play together because she isn't even as big as his head!

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Feb 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

I think your little girl is so cute and tiny. I have a Morkie who weighs just under 7 pounds and I thought she was little. Belle is 16 months old and totally drives her big brother (85 pound Lab) crazy. We call her little runs "zoomies" as that is what Maltese call it. She goes so fast we all just stay out of her way. Sometimes instead of running around our Lab, she jumps on him on the way by. He just looks at us like he's wondering why he has to put up with this. He is 11 years old but Belle has made him feel younger again as he plays with her and her toys. We are thinking about getting another little one as we don't know how long our Lab will be around at his age and Belle will be lost without him. I think A Maltese/ shih Tzu would be a good choice.

Feb 11, 2010
by: Little Miss Muffit

I laughed thinking about that little bitty dog chasing around with a Mastiff!! I thought it was funny to see Muffit chasing all over with our German Shorthair and our 20 lb. kitty, but I think yours beats that!

Feb 11, 2010
by: Little Miss Muffit

Oh what a little cutie! Only four pounds. My Muffit is almost five lbs. at four 1/2 mos. Muffit has to do the doggie race when she has to poop. Since she is box-trained with newspapers in it, it is pretty funny watching her do the speedy circles in a little box!! Muffit sleeps with me all night, too, and has since I brought her home at 8 wks. They are just the most fun dogs in the world to own.

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Buhba Bear


We picked our Shih Tzu Maltese mix out at 4 weeks. When we took him home at 12 weeks he looked like a "real" black and white stuffed toy. He was the only boy in a litter of 6 and weighs in at a whopping 2 lb. I held almost all of the puppies. He was the only one who licked my hand.

When we first got him home he was extremely calm and quiet, not like a normal puppy. We worried there might be something wrong with him; but that quickly changed.

My Maltese Shih Tzu mix has a period of playfulness (playing with his toys and of course our shoes.) I put my shoes on the couch last night so he wouldn't chew on them. When he noticed them he started barking at them as if they were a stranger. When I put them on the floor he stopped barking; then started again when I put them back on the couch. (really funny).

He especially likes my granddaughter's balls and chases them all over the house. After he has played for several minutes he crashes and sleeps for awhile, then the cycle starts over again.

He is doing fair on housebreaking. Still has some accidents, but at least now they are usually by the door and almost always because I missed his hourly time outside.

At first, he hated being kenneled which I do a couple hours a day, but now he doesn't seem to mind. It was so funny yesterday to see him try to get into his kennel with his favorite toy (froggy). He tried repeatedly but froggy and he wouldn't fit through the door at the same time.

He loves to jump and I caught him climbing my step ladder the other day. I'm sure it won't be long before he is jumping up on everything.

My Shih Tzu Maltese is really alot of fun and keeps me real busy. He fills a place in my heart I didn't even realize was empty.

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Dec 30, 2009
by: Anonymous

Is your Buhba the Malshi that left a note for my B&W Malshi, Violet? If so, do you have a photo?

Oct 08, 2009
Two Paws UP! for Buhba Bear!
by: LuLu and LoLLy

Hi Buhba Bear! We are two Maltese dogs LuLu and LoLLy! You sound like a lot of fun! We would love to see a pikture! Also, have you heard about our health care reform? We need smart dogs like you to sign up at! Your Maltese paLs, LuLu and LoLLy!

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Toby

by Kathy
(Knoxville, Tennessee)

Toby with our grandson Weston

Toby with our grandson Weston

Our Shih Tzu Maltese mix is almost two and is very much a part of our family. He is spunky at times but also loves to take long naps on the back of the sofa after playing. He often "grooms" himself like a cat would by washing his face with his paws. Toby is very lovable and is a real licker when he's happy! Our Shih Tzu Maltese even lets our 10 month old grandson pull on his hair without getting upset. He LOVES his squeaky toys and was easy to potty train by rewarding him with treats each time he went outside. Sometimes he "asks" to go out just so he can get a treat!! If my husband or I is sitting down, Toby is always on top of our lap. He is truly a LAPDOG. Good thing is not too big... about 10 lbs.

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Lilly

by Liz
(MI, US)

I've had my Shih Tzu Maltese mix Lilly for four years now and she is quick learning and extremely friendly, she can sit, lay down, play dead, paw shake, pound it, and park it, she can dance and speak, and has outsmarted an animal cage trap. She snorts like a pig when she eats and she loves food, she likes to visit our neighbors, and during the summer time we let her run to their door where she paws at the door till Mr. Hood or Mrs. Hood hears her to let her in. My Shih Tzu Maltese mix loves jumping in the snow, and when you pick one of her ears up that side of her mouth snarls up but even though it bother her shell let you do it. She is white and light brown and is extremely adorable.

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Black Maltese Shitzu - Luna

by Chloe

her spoiled princess shirt

her spoiled princess shirt

Luna is a spunky and sweet black Maltese Shitzu. She loves to play and gets shy around new people and things. She is only four months old and already is almost potty trained. She is the nicest puppy and the perfect size.

We have trained her to sit, lay down, and she can do this cute 360 flip that shes been doing since she was younger. She has the cutest lips and big beautiful eyes. She is pure black and some brown hair is growing in.

She's my first puppy and I could not be happier. My Maltese Shitzu mix Luna is perfect.

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Feb 10, 2010
What a beautiful dog!
by: Penny and Carrie

I don't know if I have ever seen one that is all black. She is very pretty!

Jan 14, 2010
My dog looks like her
by: Anonymous

Wow, my dog looks just like her

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Rajah

by Aisha Brown
(Dorchester, MA)

I guess he was playing and accidentially fell asleep! LOL!

I guess he was playing and accidentially fell asleep! LOL!

Rajah is a very loving, playful and alert Shih Tzu Maltese mix! He loves to sing to reggae music (LOL)! He is extremely affectionate and can be a little spoiled at times. He is very alert (nosey)! He does not miss anything! He can be stubborn at times and a little hard headed. My Shih Tzu Maltese mix is very attached and makes friends with people and other dogs and cats very easily. If he does not like you, something is wrong!

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Mar 22, 2011
by: Anonymous

I think he is cute. my simba is a maltese/yorkie he looks cool after his haircut to. I know how you feel they are so lovable. and you have lots of laughs with them. whats he like with his toys. does he destroy them. simba bites holes and pulls out white fluff. I dont know whether it his teethling. he wasnt like this a few months ago. he will be 1 year old on sunday 27th march. how old is your one.

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Jake

by Lisa

My Maltese Shitzu Jake is a great joy. He is almost 3 months old and is clever, fun and also laid back. He has been pretty easy to potty train - makes minimal errors in his cage and or the house and sleeps though the night w/out any accidents.

Sometimes Jake likes to lay on your chest and chill out and other times he is so playful it is hard to keep with him. He follows you everywhere and loves to chew on his toys.

I just love him!

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Jan 15, 2010
by: laura

my maltshi was different coloured more or less dark all over but once i got him clipped he came back all white except the tips of his earsand tail which has almost gone now, so you will find if you breed with a coloured one once they have hair cut they will turn out more or less all white, but i have to say i much prefered his hair different coloured, took my a while to get used to his all white coat

Mar 25, 2009
Where did you get Jake?
by: Anonymous

Hi Lisa,

I'm in Charlotte NC too...where did you get your Maltese Tzu?

Jan 02, 2009
Potty Training
by: Anonymous

My husband just surprised me with a Mal-shi for Christmas! I love him--he's adorable and spunky--but I just don't know where to start for housebreaking. Any tips?

Jul 12, 2008
whit male wanted
by: michelle

is your puppy multi colored or all white? I live in NC and I'm looking breed my malshi. Mine is all white and I would like to breed her with the same.

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Shih tzu Maltese Mix - Cindy

by Anne
(Flagstaff Hill, S.A.)

Cindy in her toy box

Cindy in her toy box

Cindy is our 8 year old Shih tzu Maltese mix and has the best temperament of any dog we had had. She loves all other dogs, plays with our cat, and just loves our 6 grandchildren. All our grandchildren are under 7 with the youngest being 2 year old twins and Cindy loves them all. They can play with her, dress her up, pinch her bones, anything, and she just wags her tail.

She goes to the toilet on command and sleeps soundly in her own bed at night and does not wake until we wake her up.

Our Shih tzu Maltese is well known in our neighborhood and all the children pat her. She is the best companion!

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May 27, 2017
Jade is spoiled NEW

My new addition to a single home. Jade is sweet. Playful and definitely a sleeper. She is two monthd and my daughter thought she would be great company for me. So far she is great learning to potty outside and whines in her crate when she is ready to go out. Learned fast to not overfeed her and stop the water about two hours before bed. Looking forward to her getting bigger to see her true personality. Great company.

Nov 14, 2013
Shih Tzu and Allergies NEW
by: Katie

Shih Tzu's do not shed, they have hair instead of fur just like a Maltese, so most people will not be allergic to a Maltese Shih Tzu mix. Here's more info:

Nov 14, 2013
by: Anonymous

Do they shed? How about allergies? I know Maltese is good for allergic people. How bout the shih tzu part?

Apr 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

so cute

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Black Maltese Shitzu - Chuy Bear

by Tony

Chuy, 5mo and first summer grooming

Chuy, 5mo and first summer grooming

Chuy is a black Maltese Shitzu that was rescued from the pound one day when my daughter wanted to stop by and look at the animals. We do this on occasion to see the various kinds of dogs and as an education point for my kids to learn about the care of animals.

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May 02, 2014
Adorable NEW
by: Anonymous

He looks like my Onxy! So cute!

Feb 07, 2012
Chuy Bear NEW
by: Little Miss Muffit

That is the first all black Maltese mix I've seen. What an adorable dog!! You really got a cutie!

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Bella Mia

by Marsha
(Delray Beach, FL)

Where my lunch???

Where my lunch???

Our Shih Tzu Maltese mix Bella is the cutest sweetest dog I've ever had. She white with grey tipped ears and weighs in at 10 lbs. Bella does not have a mean bone in her whole body. Bella is so playful and sweet She is also the best watch dog nothing gets past her. We're down in South Fl. where you can take your fur baby most anywhere you go. Our Shih Tzu Maltese mix has a pink stroller so we take her to the Malls and shopping most of the time. More people fuss over her than any baby in their strollers.

I hate the purebred snobs that look down on our little mixes. She has the best of both breeds and is just beautiful!!!

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Shih Tzu Maltese Mix - Lucy

by Jane Mosquera
(Staten Island, NY)

Is Lucy a Shih Tzu Maltese Mix?

Is Lucy a Shih Tzu Maltese Mix?

My dog Lucy was a rescue. The Rescue group said she is a Shih Tzu. I'm not so sure. After looking at some of the pictures on this website I'm beginning to think she is a Malshi. She looks a lot like a dog named Millie featured on your site.

Lucy is very smart but stubborn. She is almost a year old ( they believe). She puts everything in her mouth and chews. I had to dog proof the house but she still finds things to chew. Her most recent victim was a Star Wars Wookie. She loves to play especially with squeaky toys.

My biggest challenge is stopping her from chewing on my fingers. She doesn't bite hard or break the skin but she gnaws and licks. She thinks playtime is 24/7.

Is Lucy a Malshi? Look at her pictures and tell me what you think?

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Jun 20, 2011
I often wonder the same thing about Ollie:)
by: Jeri

Here's a picture of Ollie....he reminds me of you agree?

Aug 14, 2009
Maltese Mix Lucy
by: Anonymous

I have a Malshi. The people who gave her to me didn't want her because she didn't look like any of the others in the litter. Her mother and father were full shih tzu's . The vet calls her a Maltese mix. I was told maybe one of her grandparents was a Maltese. It doesn't matter I wouldn't want a sweeter or better dog. She minds real good, and has never got us in the middle of the night. She favors the picture of your dog. Our dogs name is Muffey

Oct 07, 2008
by: theresa

Lucy is adorable. I have a beautiful little Malshi girl name Lola who is also very chewy, smart, and stubborn. I too am trying to find ways to curb her chewing but, she is still such a joy.

Aug 03, 2008
she is a Malshi
by: Leanne

Yes Lucy is definately a Malshi, and she is a cutie.

Jun 06, 2008
She is a mix breed..
by: Landryj

She seems to be more on the mmltese side but she does have both breeds in her.. Not hard to tell .. she is cute...

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