Teacup Maltese - Lily

by Mabel
(Watsonville, CA)

I have a teacup Maltese. Lily is very playful and lots of energy. She was 1 lb. 6 oz. when we got her. She is almost 7 months and weight 2 lb. 15 oz. She lost a few oz. cause she is teething. She don't eat or drink too much. We have to hand fed her sometimes. I didn't have problem potty train her. She does very well with the potty pad even when we are on the road. I just put the potty pad on the floor of the car and she does her #1 and #2. She loves to lick to you and sit on our lab. She jumps high with quick aim to get what she wants on the coffee table or chair while she is in the air. Lily don't make much noise. She don't beg or whine. The only time she barks is when she hears the front door. Otherwise she is quiet as a mouse. When she wants to play she will bring her ball and sit in front of you. We love her a lot even thought I no longer have my favorite slippers anymore and we have to put our sandals up high whenever we take them off.

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Jul 01, 2016
Pixies NEW
by: Anonymous

Could not remember it's name love female to brush her hair. Cutie outfits, nails to ,walks chip put in both, it hard are all excited about. Cost to buy. Vet code meds teeth cleaned. Please text littledebbie3004@yahoo.con. if need Emil my daughter said she would but only for sure things. Love Lily or pixie I think she has a home. Please be kind and let me know OK. 256-365-2596 if decide to let me know bad news love and sweetness so far.💖

Jul 01, 2016
Lily NEW
by: Anonymous

We are a normal family but would love some excitement in our life. I really want her for my self to brush her play with,toy sleep with me. Vet code reg on Heath and teeth also. Please I really love this Littlebit Lily.please make my dream come true.

Jul 01, 2016
Lily NEW
by: Anonymous

We are a normal family but would love some excitement in our life. I really want her for my self to brush her play with,toy sleep with me. Vet code reg on Heath and teeth also. Please I really love this Littlebit Lily.please make my dream come true.

Jan 28, 2015
Teacup Maltese NEW
by: Lee

Do you know where I can purchase one like yours? I don't know any breeders here in Fresno, CA. HELP.😃

Sep 14, 2013
Teacup maltese
by: Anonymous

Hey where did u get ur teacup maltese? I want a small one!

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Rescued Teacup Maltese - Abby

by Missy
(Beverly Hills, CA)

Enjoying a cuddling moment!

Enjoying a cuddling moment!

We adopted our 4 year old, 4 pound teacup Maltese 2 years ago. She had been dumped in a shelter and was rescued. I actually found her via petfinders.com. She is a lovely, loving little girl. Thank goodness she had not been abused in her prior home... but she had not been cuddled and shown love.

Abby was not house-broken and knew no words or commands. She did not even know "good girl"! I potty-trained her within a couple of weeks, although she does have accidents once in a while (they DO have tiny bladders).

Her health is good other than the periodic ear infections. I feed our teacup Maltese a raw food diet which she is thriving on. She is a little doll.

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Teacup Maltese Puppies - Sugga

by Sabrina

We have one of the best little 2 1/2 lb. teacup Maltese puppies named Sugga who we just love to play with. He has truly been a joy to our twin boy grandsons. Sugga was born in April and the twins were born in March so we are enjoying all of them growing and learning together. Sugga loves to chew on everything, and loves to carry anything he can find on the floor to his bed. He is a perfect healthy little teacup Maltese even though he is small and we love him daerly...

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